Display a list of contacts related to an account
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This tutorial will guide you through creating a screen flow using the Avonni avatar group component to display a list of contacts related to a specific account.
This tutorial will cover:
display contacts related to the account
and activate and test the flow.
The result will be a functional screen flow that allows users to view a list of contacts related to a specific account in Salesforce with the help of the avatar group component.
See the suggestion for improvements section to improve this example.
Type Flow in the setup menu
Click on the "New Flow" button to create a new flow
Select "Screen Flow"
Now we need to create an account variable to store accountID information. This is needed to display only contacts associated with a specific account.
Click on the "New Resource" button
Resource Type > Variable
Enter an API Name: accountID
In the Data Type dropdown, select Record
Object: Account
Check the "Available for input" checkbox
We will create the Get Records collection to retrieve contact records using a filter.
Add a "Get Records" element
Enter an API Name
Select the Contact object
Filter Contact Records
All Condition Are Met (AND)
> AccountID
Our variable ID created in step 1 > {!accountID.Id
Display "All Records"
Click on the "Done" button
Add the Screen element
Enter a screen label
Hide Header and Footer (optional)
Drag the Avatar Group component from the custom list (or type Avatar Group from the search box)
Set the following settings:
: Circle
: Large
: List
Data source > Variable
Data Mapping
Primary Text
: Full name
Secondary Text
: Title
Image Source
: photo URL
Fields name in the data mapping section might not be the same as yours.
Click on the "Done" button to save the component
We just finished building our screen flow. We can now save it and add it to an account page to test it.
Ensure your Get Records collection has the correct settings.
Ensure your Get Records collection has the correct settings, especially the "How many records to store" section.
We can add the Header component on our screen flow above the avatar group component. Add a title and an action to create a new record (New Contact.
Create an interaction action on avatar click with the following parameters:
Type: Navigation
Page reference type: Record Page
Object API name: Contact
RecordID: Item: Name
Action name: View